Report: How Facebook, Twitter Users Consume News

Social Media News

Social media is quickly becoming the preferred way for many to consume their news. How they consume that news within each social network is unique. A new report from Pew Research Center and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, titled The Evolving Role of News on Twitter and Facebook, took a look at news consumption on social. What they found can give good insight to marketers and increase the likelihood they’ll consume our news.

The study contains some interesting stats. The number of people turning to social for information on issues beyond just friends and family continues to grow on both Facebook and Twitter, with both up to 63% (previously 47% on Facebook and 52% on Twitter from 2013). That’s great news, as it means more are looking to social for news and more opportunities for you to share it with them.Users Getting News On Social

While 46% of Twitter users follow news organizations, reporters or commentators, just 28% use Facebook to do the same. This indicates that those sharing news may want to concentrate more efforts around their Twitter news sharing, rather than Facebook.

Of those that got their news from these networks, 59% kept up with news events as they were happening on Twitter, while 31% did so on Facebook. The realtime nature of the Twitter platform continues to be the source most turn to for up to the minute updates as stories unfold. This realtime feed is something marketers can use to keep audiences continually updated about their own breaking news, such as product announcements and live events.

55% followed business topics on Twitter vs 42% on Facebook. Those pushing news around business (their own or others) may want to consider which network should see more focus knowing this.

We’re increasingly turning to social as our news source. With millennials using digital as their preferred source, those numbers will only continue to grow. Learn how people consume news and you’ll be in a better spot to feed them the news you want them to see, in the way they want to see it.

Author: Ben Brausen

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