Buffer Bites: Quickly Quote With Buffer

Buffer Bites: Quickly Quote With Buffer

Quickly Quote With Buffer

Quotes are a wonderful way to make a point or summarize an article. We often use them in social messaging to draw interest or support our views. They also add credibility to our content.

Copying and pasting your favorite lines from the articles we read into social messages works fine but Buffer has a better way. Here’s how to quote with a quickness, using Buffer.

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Buffer Bits: Super Fast Image Scheduling With Buffer

Buffer Bits: Super Fast Image Scheduling With Buffer

Buffer Bits: Super Fast Image Scheduling With Buffer

Super Fast Image Scheduling With Buffer

Social images go a long way to help your social success. Including images can lead to up to a 35% bump in retweets according to a study by Twittter. An image can help tell your story without the user even clicking your message and they take up even more room in the social feed, which increases the chances of your message being seen.

With the piles of research backing the importance of images in social, you’ll want to use them whenever possible. Thankfully, Buffer has made is super easy to add images to all of your social posts. Here’s how.

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How My Cat Delights His Twitter Followers Daily

How My Cat Delights His Twitter Followers Daily

TheCatTweeting On Twitter

Everyone knows that cats rule the internet. They rule social media too. With cats like Sockington gathering over 1 million followers, our furry friends often have more influence than celebrities. They’ve even become celebrities themselves.

With the many popular cats on Twitter, my cat Bucky wanted to get in on the action too. So he signed up for an account and started tweeting.

Like any Twitter account, the cat started with a fresh profile and dreams of ruling the world! Or at least getting a free cat treat deal one day. While tweeting pictures of himself each day was fun at first, it quickly became a bit time consuming as additional daily naps became necessary to balance his growing fame. The cat soon realized he needed a way to make it easier to fill his feed while also having enough time to feed himself and be able to sleep almost 20 hours a day. Here’s how Bucky keeps himself and his Twitter fans happy.

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Finding Your Best Peforming Buffer Time Slot

Finding Your Best Peforming Buffer Time Slot

Buffer Scheduling Options

Buffer is an amazing tool for scheduling social messaging with ease. You pick the times that are best for your posts, create the message and they take care of the rest. Recently, Buffer published a study on the best times to tweet, using data from 4.8 million Twitter messages. The study is filled with interesting information about when we should be scheduling our messaging. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it.

Knowing the best times for the best return is great to help drive social success. In addition to knowing what times work best for specific results, I wanted to know which of my current Buffer queue spots performed best. Was the 11am slot, when the largest number of my followers are active, the best time to tweet? I decided to find out.

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7 Awesome Ways Buffer Is Doing Social and Startups Right

Buffer Values


In a world where social tools are popping up (and falling down) by the dozens, it’s rare to find one worth championing. Well, I found one. It’s no secret that I love Buffer. It’s a product I use every day and a company I enjoy interacting with frequently. They’ve gone from an idea to over 2 million registered users in just 5 years. How’d they accomplish this growth? Here are 7 ways they’re building a company and social product like no other.

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