How To Remove The ‘Virtual CD’ From RAVPower SSD Hard Drives
RAVPower SSD hard drives offer tons of storage, in a small portable package. They’re light-weight, compact, and can handle the abuses of digital life on the road, while keeping your files safe-and-sound. The only problem is, they have an annoying ‘virtual CD’ drive that just won’t go away. Here’s how to remove the virtual CD from RAVPower SSD hard drives with ease.
A Super Simple Guide To Going Secure (HTTPS) On WordPress
Google is making a big push to get sites secure and soon it’ll be a requirement if you want to keep all your web traffic. While the process may seem intimidating, it’s really not. In a matter of minutes, you can have a secure site and reap the benefits (more confident visitors, better Google ranking, less security worries, and more). Here’s a super simple guide to going secure on WordPress.