We all want to be wanted. The person people go to when they need something. A trusted source of advice, insight, and making things happen. How do you become that go-to employee in your organization? The Art of Being Indispensable at Work: Win Influence, Beat Overcommitment, and Get the Right Things Done looks to show you just that.
The Art Of Being Indispensable
So, you want to be the go-to person in your workplace? The Art Of Being Indispensable At Work seeks to help you make that happen. The problem is, it doesn’t offer much more than commonsense.
Anyone that’s been in the workforce for more than a year or two should understand what it takes to become a trusted person others can rely on. The person they seek advice from or ask for help when outcomes really count.
It’s not that difficult to understand what it takes to be that person, because we’ve all known people in those roles, even if we’re not currently that person ourselves. So why the need for a manual to tell you how to get there?
The Art Of Being Indispensable At Work doesn’t offer much more than examples of people we’ve all experienced. There’s not much value here, unless you’re truly clueless to how to be a good employee and coworker.
The truth is, if you aren’t someone who puts themselves out there for others, always produces high-quality work, manages their commitments well, and has the knowledge to make things happen, it’s unlikely a book is going to change that. Most of these required traits are baked into our personality and unlikely to change. It’s like expecting that reading a driving manual will magically imbue you with the ability to be a NASCAR driver.
Obvious Advice
Countless books that claim to teach you everything you could ever want. Sadly, it’s rare we suddenly become empowered with the abilities outlined in these guides, and few have fortitude to focus and put in the efforts required to make the changes needed. It’s why most self-help books fail to lead people to the amazing lives they claim to offer the reader.
If you’re just looking for examples of why some are the go-to players within their organization, The Art of Being Indispensable at Work: Win Influence, Beat Overcommitment, and Get the Right Things Done may be worth flipping through. But for those that want to be the indispensable people in their workplace, more perspective, a good gameplay, and constant commitment to top performance will get you much further.