LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Fundamentals Certification Answers

The LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Fundamentals Certification is a great way to learn more about marketing solutions from LinkedIn and showcase your knowledge of the opportunities it provides.
Why You Don’t Need To Be An Early Adopter To Every New Social Network
Every time you turn around, someone is talking about a new social network they think’ll catch on and change the world. While that hardly ever happens, it hasn’t stopped many marketers from investing in every new network that comes along, in hopes it takes off. They’re largely wasting their time (and resources). Here’s why you don’t need to be an early adopter of every new social network.
Why Instagram Engagement Groups Are A Bad Bet
Some have turned to joining Instagram engagement groups in order to increase their organic reach and following. It sounds like a decent idea, until you really explore how Instagram works, and the impact such groups have on your posts. Here’s why Instagram engagement groups are a bad bet.
The Pros and Cons Of Publishing On Social Platforms
Publishing has become a part of almost every social media network recently. LinkedIn launched its Publisher platform to everyone in 2014 and has now seen over 1 million people post to the platform. Facebook recently launched a revamped Notes, which allows sharing of media-rich long-form content. Medium may claim to be a social network, but their main functionality is publishing. Even Twitter has changed to allow 240-chartacters and enbraced long-form. The more time these companies can get you to spend on their sites, the more opportunities they have to make money from you (by selling ads and monitoring activity).
It’s clear that everyone is embracing publishing. But what are the advantages to investing in publishing on social over your own website? Should you consider putting some of your resources into creating content for these platforms? Here are the pros and cons of publishing on social platforms.
What Facebook ‘Bringing People Closer Together’ Means To Marketers
Facebook updated the News Feed again and once more, marketers think the end has come. Here’s a look at Facebook’s ‘Bringing People Closer Together’ update and what it means to marketers.
Why We’re So Addicted To Social Media
Every few minutes, we’re checking out phones for updates. It may have only been 5 minutes, but we need to see if something new has been posted. Why can’t we pull ourselves away? Here’s why we’re so addicted to social media.