When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing

Timing is everything. Striking at the right moment can be the difference between make or break. Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and To Sell Is Human, explores the role timing plays in success in his latest book, When: The Science Secrets Of Perfect Timing.

Knowing When: The Science Secrets Of Perfect Timing

Far too often, we simply assume that a company or product found huge success just by creating a great product. While the product itself is imperative, timing plays a huge role too. Daniel H. Pink dives deep into just how important timing is and how we can find the right time throughout the pages of When: The Scientific Secrets Of Perfect Timing.

Countless ideas have caught on because they launched at the right time. Other great ideas have seen failure due to no other reason but poor timing on their own release to the world. Timing is critical and this book looks at how we can identify when the time is just right to send our own ideas forth.

Economics, psychology, biology, and more are explored to find their impact on success in our lives and work. Interesting stories and practical insights help us learn just how critical timing is in life and how to best time our own actions.

Right On Time

By showing how large of a role timing plays in our lives, we learn to be more aware of the impact it has and question our own timing choices. It may mean the difference between failure and success or a great start and a stumble. Learn what the research has to say about perfect timing to put yourself at an advantage.

Now is the perfect time to grab a copy of When: The Scientific Secrets Of Perfect Timing from Amazon and explore the critical role timing plays in everything we do.

Author: Ben Brausen

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