Event Promotion On Social Media Is Missing This

Social Media Event Promotion

Most organizations promote their upcoming events with social media. They post messages on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and elsewhere that tell their followers when it is and why they should attend. They do a great job amplifying it on their own channels but they’re missing one big potential piece.

Silly Simplicity

While brands do a great job of promoting their evens on social, they miss a huge potential push. Most don’t offer their followers and others easy access to the tools they need to help promote it too.

We have great images for our own social posts about the event but rarely are those great images present on the actual page promoting it. Provide them. Social is highly visual and including a great graphic for the event that includes the date, times, and other information makes it even more appealing for someone to share with others.

Even better, make it simple to share. While we know people rarely use social sharing buttons, it doesn’t hurt to offer them. You can also help make it easier for others to share by providing downloadable images, a single landing page with all the event info to link to and easy access to any other event-related items. Any images you’re using to promote the event on your brands social accounts should also be made easily available to anyone else that wants to use them. You put in the hard work to make them look awesome, so make them easy for others to take advantage and share it too.

Share The Excitement

Most brands put a good amount of time and energy into thorough promotion of their events through social but simply forget to make all of those assets easy for others to share too. You aren’t the only one that’s excited about your big event. Other folks on social would love to share your excitement with others too, if you make it an easier task to partake in.

Author: Ben Brausen

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