Report: How Digital Marketers Allocate Their Time

Report: How Digital Marketers Allocate Their Time

Report: How Digital Marketers Allocate Their Time

How you spend your time can greatly impact the success or failure of your marketing campaigns. While many tasks require more time commitment than others, neglecting to give certain stages their proper attention can have a negative impact on the overall success your campaign sees.

A recent report from Econsultancy and Oracle Marketing Cloud looked at where marketers are spending their time, along with their top 3 priorities in terms of time spent. What they found is interesting and may show where some have their priorities a bit mixed up.

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Want Clicks or Engagement? How To Tailor Tweets For Intention

Want Clicks or Engagement? How To Tailor Tweets For Intention

Social Messaging Options

Social media tips and tricks are plentiful. We’ve got piles of great research showing ways we can increase the effectiveness of our messaging for the best return. This data is great for getting the greatest ROI from our social messaging, but you need to think about what your goals when using each tactic.

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Don’t Freak Out About Drops In Social Following

Don’t Freak Out About Drops In Social Following

Social Following Drop

Many monitor size of their social audience as KPI of their social success (it isn’t but we’ll cover that another time). Numbers are up and they’re doing well. If things drop, they assume something is seriously wrong. Should you see a drop in your social following, it’s not a time to panic. It’s time to figure out if it matters.

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What Facebook’s Latest Change Means To Your Content

What Facebook’s Latest Change Means To Your Content

Facebook Like

Facebook recently announced that they’re now taking into account the time spent on a story. Even if the viewer doesn’t ‘Like’ or comment on the post, they’ll still give some weight to the fact that they spent time reading it, which means they were engaged by it. This builds on the previous August update for click-bait content which assumed content was likely click-bait if the user clicked the link and then came straight back to Facebook, indicating what they found was not what they’d been hoping for.

So what do these changes mean for your content? Lets take a look at how to best work with these changes to the Facebook news feed.

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Why You Might Want To Reconsider Social Media Contests

Enter To Win

Social media giveaways are a great way to attract a lot of people to your profiles and get them to follow in return for a chance to win a prize. Many use promotions to successfully grow their followings and get people talking about their brand. While giveaways are a quick and easy way to gather a bunch of new followers, they may not be as beneficial as you think. Here’s why.

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