Why Successful Social Video Must Be Designed Like Silent Film

Why Successful Social Video Must Be Designed Like Silent Film

Why Successful Social Video Must Be Designed Like Silent Film

Social video is all the rage these days. According to a study by Cisco, video will grow to be 80% of all internet traffic by 2019. It’s clear that we love video and marketers are rushing to produce tons of content to fill that desire.

With all the efforts to create engaging social videos, there’s one thing most are missing. Here’s why marketers must make their videos silent films.

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What Facebook’s New Video Actions Mean To Marketers

What Facebook’s New Video Actions Mean To Marketers

Social Media Video

This week Facebook made another announcement regarding changes to how they interpret engagement with video content on the site. While other recent changes took into account time spent on a story as a signal someone may have enjoyed a piece of content, this week’s update looks at how we interact with videos in the news feed and gathers insights from it. Here’s what you should know and how you can take advantage of it.

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