Survey: The Most Trusted Advertising Formats

Survey: The Most Trusted Advertising Formats

Trust is huge when it comes to buying. If you don’t trust a product or brand, you’re pretty unlikely to purchase it. We don’t start out trusting of every brand we come across, though we do have a bit of a baseline trust of most brands in many cases. Generally our overall trust is built through consuming information about the brand or product. So where do consumers find that trust and what causes them to take action? Have a look.

The Most Trusted Sources For Building Trust

Nielsen recently release its latest Global Trust In Advertising report. It looks at the different forms of advertising that consumers around the world trust and act upon.Nielsen Trust In Traditional And Digital Ad Formats 2015

It’s interesting to note that even though budgets are moving money away from traditional media, advertising on these channels remains influential, even among younger ages.

For those of us involved in digital marketing, it’s very interesting to see that online video ads, search and social ads, mobile and banner ads rank at the bottom of the list. They fall below even the lowest forms of traditional advertising such as radio ads and those shown before movies. It would seem such advertising techniques may not be so good at building the trust we desire.

Millennials (ages 21-34) reported the highest levels of trust in almost all forms of advertising, which is great news for marketers. Gen Z (ages 15-20) and Gen X (35-49) reported only small differences in their trust shown compared Millennials too. Older generations tended to be the least trusting of the bunch, with the Silent Generation earning the lowest scores across formats.

When it comes to digital ads, online video leads the way at 48%, with SERP ads and social media ads in second and third. Text ads on mobile phones came in last, beating out the much hated online banner ad by a good margin.

Increase Trust

Knowing which formats each group puts the most trust in can go a long ways towards informing advertisers of which mediums they should consider for their ad plans. It also shows opportunity in numerous areas for advertisers to work on increasing the trust of their viewers.

By understanding where people place their trust, you’re in a better spot to pick the right way to reach your audience. Take a look at where those you want to reach put their greatest trust and begin reaching out to them in a way that continues to build that bond with your viewership today.

Author: Ben Brausen

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