Why B2B Content and Ad Targeting Frequently Fails

Why B2B Content and Ad Targeting Frequently Fails

Why B2B Content and Ad Targeting Frequently Fails

You take the time to create great content for your target B2B buyers. Maybe you even create paid ads and target them right at those buyers. And then…. nothing. What happened? Here’s one of the most common reasons why B2B content and ad targeting frequently fails.

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Online Ads Suck. But What If They Went Away?

Online Ads Suck. But What If They Went Away?

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No one loves seeing advertising online (well other than those few and far-between campaigns that really make us laugh). To stop their intrusion on our viewing, ad-blocking software has become increasingly popular. A new report from Adobe and one of several startups helping publishers fight ad blocking found that 198 million people globally are now blocking ads, up 41% from 2014. It’s obvious that ads are an annoyance to many. But what if we blocked them all? What might happen to the web as we know it?

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Blame The Website, Not The Advertiser

Blame The Website, Not The Advertiser

Blame The Website Not The Advertiser

It’s no secret that people hate online ads. They cover many of the websites we visit. To deal with the problem, many have turned to ad blocking software. Ad-blocking software will cost advertisers more than $22 billion this year and that number will continue to climb as more begin utilizing such browser add-ons.

It’s obvious that ads are a problem and people really hate them. But we’re blaming the wrong party. It’s not the ads that make for a horrible website experience. It’s those running the websites we should be upset with.

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