The Best Team Wins: The New Science of High Performance
We now spend up to 80% of our workday in teams. How can we make the most of our efforts and come out on top? The Best Team Wins: The New Science of High Performance by Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton explores just that question.
Book Review: Participation Marketing by Michael Brito
Employee activation is one of the most powerful and underutilized tools available to every company. How do you create an employee advocacy program? Participation Marketing: Unleashing Employees To Participate And Become Brand Storytellers by Michael Brito arms you with everything you need to succeed.
The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
Company and team culture are hot topics in most businesses today. How do you build teams that work together to produce the greatest results? The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups explores just that question. Here’s a look.
Review: Predictive Analytics For Marketers by Barry Leventhal
Wondering how predictive analytics can help take your marketing to the next level but don’t know where to start? Check out Predictive Analytics For Marketers: Using Data Mining For Business Advantage by Barry Leventhal. Here’s a look at this new book.
3 Kings: Diddy, Dr. Dre, Jay-Z, and Hip-Hop’s Multibillion-Dollar Rise
As far as music styles go, hip hop is a fairly newcomer. During its short history, it’s seen a huge boom and turned to big business. No hip hop artists have harnessed the business more than Dr. Dre, Jay-Z, and Diddy. 3 Kings: Diddy, Dr. Dre, Jay-Z, and Hip-Hop’s Multibillion-Dollar Rise is a look at how each have one have gone from streets to CEO.
Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future
The digital revolution continues to transform our world. Big data, artificial intelligence, crowd sourcing, cloud platforms, and more, all play huge roles to shift our world and move us forward. Take a look at how each will change business and life as we know it, in Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future by Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson.